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All gifts, regardless of size, have great power – the power to inspire and influence others in their own giving and the power to contribute to projects that simply couldn’t happen without The Sullins Annual Fund. The success of any annual campaign is in participation. The annual campaign is an opportunity for everyone – parents, alumni, faculty/staff, and friends of the school to pool their resources together to support Sullins in taking care of its highest priority – its students.  


Parent participation in our annual fund is a strong indicator of the success of an independent school. Sullins is proud to be among the leaders of independent schools nationwide in parent participation rates of over 80%. Strong participation helps us in applying for corporate donations and grants. In a typical year, tuition covers approximately 80% of the annual cost of a child’s education. This "gap" helps to keep the cost of attending Sullins an affordable option for many families. Remaining revenue comes entirely from voluntary or philanthropic contributions.



Q.  We are already paying tuition. Why does the school need more funds?

Tuition fees cover the basic operating costs of the academic year. We rely on donations to support the programs and initiatives that help to make Sullins unique. Things like upgrades to facilities, outdoor curriculum and play spaces, new resources and exceptional offerings in everything from the arts to athletics. A strong professional development program for faculty help enable us to attract the best and brightest!  


All of the special offerings that Sullins provides to meet our mission cost more each year, so - just as other private and independent schools - we rely on parents, alumni, and friends of the school for this support.


Q.  Why should I give to new facilities or programs that don’t directly benefit my child?

Previous generations of parents and students gave the funds that were required to grow and build the facilities, programs, and resources that your child enjoys today. We rely on today’s parents to help ensure that the best facilities and resources will continue to be there for your children’s children and beyond. It’s a “pay-it-forward” situation. Your generosity helps advance the mission and vision of the school and to further enhance the school’s reputation.


Q. We don’t have the capacity to make a huge gift, so how much difference will my gift actually make?

All gifts, regardless of size, have great power - the power to inspire and influence others in their own giving. When we pool our resources together we have the ability to fund projects that simply could not happen otherwise.

Q. Is my gift to The Sullins Fund tax deductible?

Yes, your donation is 100% tax deductible since Sullins Academy is as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Q. When should I make my gift to The Sullins Fund?

The 2021-22 Sullins Fund year runs from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. You may give your gift at any point.

Q. What are the goals for The Sullins Fund this year?

We are seeking to raise $250,000 in total fundraising during the 2021-22 academic year.  

Q. Rather than donating money, is it an option for me to donate my professional time to Sullins?

We strongly encourage individuals to volunteer and share their expertise. We are a community and our collective knowledge will make Sullins a stronger institution and learning environment. There are a number of opportunities to volunteer throughout the year; however, we still ask that families support The Sullins Fund. Every gift, regardless of size, makes a difference at Sullins. Participating at any level is a vote of confidence in the mission, the faculty, and administration.

It generates enthusiasm and encourages others to join you in supporting Sullins.


Charles Bledsoe Circle         

Martin Hall Society               

Founder's Circle

Academy Circle                   

Eagle Circle**

Sustainer's Circle

Blazer Circle








**Contributions of $2,500 or more are considered leadership-level gifts.


Leadership contributions of $2,500 or more accounted for over 61% of donations last year, totaling over $496,000. 

Leadership gifts set the pace of giving. They provide an example of generosity, advance the mission of Sullins Academy and transform lives within the Sullins community.

Sullins is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization under the code of the Internal Revenue Service. Voluntary or philanthropic gifts to the school may be counted as charitable tax deductions.

Sullins receives no financial support from local, state, or federal agencies. We are not affiliated with any church or religious organization.

Located in Bristol VA, Sullins Academy develops students in grades PS-8 into

confident, lifelong learners who have the academic, character, and leadership skills to succeed in high school and beyond.


22218 Sullins Academy Drive Bristol, VA 24202

phone 276.669.4101   fax 276.669.4294


Sullins Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the School.

© 2024 by Sullins Academy. 

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