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Preschoolers focus on developing good character and social skills through interaction with their peers and themed storybooks. Students will be introduced to community helpers, Virginia and Tennessee Maps, holidays and traditions, and the community around us. Students are introduced to important historical figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Christopher Columbus, and US Presidents. Students will participate in the school character program by implementing the Monthly Character Trait and Manner of the Week.



Students spend Junior Kindergarten exploring the world around them.  They learn what it means to be part of a family, a school, and a community.  Students explore a variety of vocabulary words including citizenship, rights, responsibilities, rules, leaders, country symbols, and monuments.  A study of economics reveals the difference between wants versus needs and goods versus services. Map skills are introduced in junior kindergarten as students explore maps, land forms, bodies of water, globes, seasons, and Earth resources.  Students also compare and contrast a variety of traditions throughout different cultures as they explore holidays and American folk heroes.



During Social Studies, kindergarten students explore how individuals belong to a community through the classroom, school, neighborhoods, state, and country. Students discuss holidays, presidents, and monuments through the use of nonfiction books and educational videos. Kindergarten also studies the similarities and differences of our country and world’s past and present. Students discover the history of Pilgrims, Native Americans, and the first settlement by participating in a special Thanksgiving feast. Through interactive lessons and projects, kindergarten students study and create their connections to the world.



First graders explore their country and community. They begin to see how the world around them works and how peoples needs have to be met in order to survive.  Students begin to understand the importance of community leaders. As they explore the world around them, they are introduced to various customs and traditions as well as how different ethnic groups celebrate. They explore the past and present of our nation. First graders also enjoys exploring the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt through the school’s Passport Program.



Second grade social studies covers units such as Our Communities, US Government, Citizenship, A Growing Nation, Working in our Community, and Celebrating our Community.  We discuss travel, communication, culture, traditions, trade, and diversity in our nation.  Second grade also does a study on ancient China, their culture and people.



The third grade Social Studies Units include exploration, States and Capitals, Tennessee History, and Christmas Around the World. Third grade also conducts research on past president's, the  Mayflower and  the Voyage to America. Third grade also research penguins during the Arctic and Antarctica Study. Third grade students additionally take part in the Passport Program, a study of the diverse culture and history of a selected country.



At the beginning of fourth grade, the regions of the United States are reviewed from third grade. The main focus for the year is Virginia. The students discover the rich history of the early settlers as well as the characteristics of the five major regions. During the Passport Program, the students delve into the life and culture of ancient Italy including the Roman Empire.



Teachers use the Our Nation textbook as a guide to social studies instruction. A heavy emphasis is placed on interactive learning, as students grasp concepts through cooperative learning, small group instruction, and project based learning. Units of study include colonization of America, The American Revolution, United States government, The Civil War, and Reconstruction. Special studies include drafting the Constitution, a classroom history museum, and studying another culture - Cuba. Enrichment includes The Grave Reviews project and a week-long trip to Washington, DC where students can experience history in the making.



Geography introduces Middle Schoolers to both physical and human geography.  Students will analyze populations, settlement patterns, study how human activities modify the physical environment, and compare development, standards of living, systems of government and economic factors around the world.  We use social studies skills to access, interpret, and apply information from a variety of sources. 



U.S. History in Middle School focuses on major events and turning points in US history as it moves from the era of exploration through modern times. As students study each era of history, they will analyze primary sources and carefully research events to gain a clearer understanding of the factors that have shaped US history. Students are presented with challenging and complex texts at grade level, and writing assignments provide opportunities for them to write clearly and concisely on a variety of historical topics. 



World History introduces Middle Schoolers to the beginnings of the human story. Students explore the early civilizations of Egypt and the near East, China, Greece and Rome, they discover the secrets of these ancient cultures that continue to influence the modern world. We have immersive activities that build reading and writing skills, teach them how to interpret maps, analyze information and equip them with the tools to apply it.

Located in Bristol VA, Sullins Academy develops students in grades PS-8 into

confident, lifelong learners who have the academic, character, and leadership skills to succeed in high school and beyond.



22218 Sullins Academy Drive Bristol, VA 24202

phone 276.669.4101   fax 276.669.4294


Sullins Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or any other legally protected status in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the School.

© 2024 by Sullins Academy. 

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